Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 9th
Week of May 05, 2008
The Senate recently passed S. 1315, the Veterans Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007, by a vote of 96 - 1. The act includes provisions to: (1) establish a new program of insurance for service-connected disabled veterans; (2) expand eligibility for retroactive benefits from traumatic injury protection coverage under Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance; (3) increase the maximum amount of Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance that a service-connected disabled veteran may purchase; (4) provide individuals with severe burn injuries specially adapted housing benefits; and (5) extend the monthly educational assistance allowance for apprenticeship or other on-the-job training to two years. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives. How do you feel about this bill? Let your public officials know how you feel!
Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 9th
Since 1984, the Armed Forces have set aside a special day to acknowledge the significant contributions of our spouses. This year, Friday, May 9, 2008, has been designated Military Spouse Appreciation Day. The life of a military family is one of unique challenges. Spouses continue to meet these challenges with grace and strength. Take time to thank your spouse for a job well-done.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Veterans Report
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9:44 PM
Labels: Military Veterans Report
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Military Report
base target="_blank"---------------------- 28 APRIL 2008---------------------------------------
Retiree SBP Accounts Being Reviewed
Deal of the Week: 15% Off Flag Cases, Medals, Ribbons & More
More Proposed GI Bill Changes
American Legion Launches Apple Purchase Program for Members
Servicemembers Save with Offers from ASMBA
Uncle Sam Pays for College
Featured Job: Security Force Officer
More Money for Army Captains
Space "A" Travel for Dependents Expanded
20,000 Dollar Critical Skills Bonus
Army Issues Combat Handbooks
Autism Campaign Launched
British Open Tickets Available
Combat Units Eligible for Streamer
Commissaries Offer Guard, Reserve Sales
USAFE 'Extreme Summer' Contest
'Grill Sergeants' Hits San Diego
TRICARE Offers Parenthood Guide
Children's Book Series Available
Free SAT-ACT Prep Software
Navy Museum Gets Rare Civil War Artifact
PBS Series 'Americans At War' Now Online
New Jersey Distinguished Service Medal
Vacations for Vets Program
Branson Women Veterans Week
Army Online Evaluations on Track
Naval Officers Association Conference
Commemorative Military Certificates
Army MWR Summer Sweepstakes
AF Family Life Consultant Program
Posted by
2:18 AM
Labels: Military Veterans Report
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Military Report
Sell Your Stuff
Reach thousands of buyers in the military community through our network of local sites. Post a free ad through Classifieds today. Sell your car or home, get rid of furniture and more. ...More
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11:43 PM
Labels: Military Veterans Report
Friday, April 18, 2008
Limbaugh, Schlussel
2007 - The US Supreme Court upholds the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in a 5-4 decision.
Mainstream Media Oblivious to Relevancy of Many Obama-gates
By: David Limbaugh
The dirty little secret about Barack Obama's indictment of flyover country is that he said what liberals, including Hillary Clinton, believe. Sufficient proof of this can be found in the liberal outrage at Wednesday night's Democratic presidential debate, where Obama was pressed both by the moderators and Clinton to explain Bitter-gate, Wright-gate, Ayers-gate and Flag pin-gate.
Consider the uncannily similar reactions of columnists Tom Shales and Stephen Silver.
Shales expressed indignation that ABC News moderators Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos would dare ask Obama to justify his insulting remarks about small-town Americans and his relationships with certain anti-American people.
Shale's fumed, "For the first 52 minutes … Gibson and Stephanopoulos dwelled entirely on specious and gossipy trivia that already has been hashed and rehashed, in the hope of getting the candidates to claw at one another over disputes that are no longer news. Some were barely news to begin with."
Shales was particularly perturbed that Stephanopoulos "came up with such tired tripe as a charge that Obama once associated with a nutty bomb-throwing anarchist."
Continue reading "Mainstream Media Oblivious to Relevancy of Many Obama-gates"
Paging Dr. Jenny McCarthy: More Bimbo Science
By Debbie Schlussel
Last year, I told you about self-anointed medical "expert," Jenny McCarthy.
Yup, the same Jenny McCarthy who has a medical degree from the Hugh Hefner School of Advanced Silicone Medicine and Porn Sciences. And don't forget her valuable medical expertise gleaned from her days hosting MTV's "Singled Out" and her current scientific gig "dating" (euphemism) Jim Carrey.
Because her son is autistic, she looked for something to blame it on, and . . . voila, "child vaccines cause autism." At least, that's her theory and that held by a growing group of alarmists with the same medical "expertise" as McCarthy. And it's frightening parents from giving their kids necessary vaccines against diseases that are now making a comeback because of Jenny's Bimbo Science. McCarthy and her ilk have succeeded in persuading otherwise responsible parents to retreat back to the Stone Age when it comes to their children's health and available preventative medical treatments. Who knew that taking off your pants for the world (that's how McCarthy reached the D-list) would cause modern pediatric medicine to regress decades?
It's like a scene from the movie, "Idiocracy."
Continue reading "Paging Dr. Jenny McCarthy: More Bimbo Science" Source
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5:12 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Military Report
Deal of the Week: Best Damn Military Discount
ctive duty and Reserves of the U.S. Military can save up to thousands on select 2008/2009 GM vehicles. Visit to learn more
Army Goes Phishing, E-mail Style
More than 10,000 Soldiers, civilians and Family members with military e-mail addresses received an e-mail promising free tickets to area theme parks, with a link to a website that appeared to belong to the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command (FMWRC). The "phishing" expedition was developed by the Army Computer Emergency Response Team (ACERT) in a Global Computer Network Defense exercise to test the defensive posture of the Army LandWarNet and the response of all parties involved including the FMWRC. ACERT officials sent a follow-up e-mail to the recipients describing the exercise and apologizing for any inconvenience or false hopes raised by the e-mail. Anyone with questions or comments in the conduct of the exercise should contact the ACERT at 703-706-1113.
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6:29 AM
Labels: Military Veterans Report