Friday, April 20, 2007

Reid Declares Defeat in Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid yesterday declared the United States had lost the war in Iraq, a conclusion he said he communicated to President Bush at a meeting Wednesday.

How can you Nevada voters continue to vote for this leader of the party of defeat?
Reid and the anti-war anti-American liberals can't afford victory in Iraq. It's not about the war it's about them. They know when the war is won they are done.

"So, Reid concedes defeat when many of the additional troops needed to put down the insurgency have not even set foot in Iraq? This is utterly pathetic. Reid’s comments send a very bad signal to our troops and a message of idiocy to the American people. How is Harry Reid going to know better than our military commanders? Reports from the field commanders of late have been positive, but Harry Reid somehow knows better? I don’t think so!"

"The Democrats have no plan for Iraq… they have no idea what to do. The best course of action is to listen to the commanders on the ground and adapt to the situation at hand. That is what President Bush is doing. Saying the “war is lost” is the worst message to send to our troops and to governments around the world." ~ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
Related Story Harry Reid, Loser
Harry Reid’s statement compels one more conclusion: that the Democrats are incapable of leading this nation to victory against this existential threat.

Comment from the web.
I am still in a state of shock over Harry Reids statement that we have lost in Iraq. Why in Gods name is this treasonous idiot making statements like this? Does this naive cowardly fool have any CLUE what his statement will do for troop morale. Can you imagine the president of the senate making a similar statement during world war 2? I for one would like too see Harry Reid led out of the senate in chains. People of nevada, for the good of the country you need to vote reid out of the senate. - jack virtus

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