Sunday, July 30, 2006

Maybe there is still hope...

"Why I Left Jihad"
is a book that was written by Walid Shoebat, an alias that replaces the name of a former terrorist who today identifies that hatred of Jews is the driving force and the root of the terrorism racking the Middle East.

He has been praised by no less than prominent Jewish rabbis, Christian leaders and leaders of conservative think tanks worldwide.
Mr. Shoebat's story is well worth looking into.
There are free radio and television show clips on this site, from Mr. Shoebat
and other reformed radical Islamo-facists who are speaking out against the bastardization of their religion. Walid

1 comment:

Poison Pero said...

This man is an incredible speaker. I went to one of his lectures a year ago in Phoenix.

I will never forget him singing the Palestinian school kid songs......First he sang them in Arabic, then in English.

And they all were about Jihad, killing, and detroying......SCHOOL KIDS!!

So much for the Religion of POS.