THEY keep gold here, and in more ways than one.
Everybody knows about the Ft. Knox national gold repository - anybody who's ever seen the James Bond flick "Goldfinger," anyway.
Substantially less well known is that Ft. Knox - 170 square miles of rolling Kentucky real estate is where the.... continued
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Posted by
7:20 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Military / Veterans Report
Veterans Receive New ID Cards
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced that VA health care facilities are beginning an aggressive campaign to insure that enrolled veterans with old versions of its ID cards are issued the new Veterans Identification Card (VIC). VA decided to initiate the mass replacement to reduce veteran vulnerability to identity theft and to demonstrate VA's commitment to securing the confidential personal information of all enrolled veterans. For more information about the new VIC card, contact your Medical Center's Eligibility & Enrollment Office or visit the VA's Eligibility Website.
Absentee Voting Week
The Secretary of Defense has designated October 8-14, 2006 was Absentee Voting Week. Voters should return their voted ballot immediately after receiving it. Overseas voters should vote and return their state absentee ballot or the Federal write-in absentee ballot (FWAB) during this week to make sure their ballot is received by the local election official in time to be counted. If you receive your state absentee ballot after submitting the FAWB, vote and return the state ballot. For those states that allow late counting, ballots must be voted on or before Election Day and must be received by the state late counting deadline. For more information, contact your voter assistance officer.
To learn more about the upcoming elections, visit the Military.com 2006 Election Center.
Posted by
7:17 AM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Boehner Won't Back Down
In case you missed it the following is from rushlimbaugh.com
RUSH: John Boehner is not backing down from the furor he caused last week by questioning the real intent of the votes of several Democrats in the House of Representatives. He was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace yesterday and got this question. "Congressman, do you take back your remarks?" Again, what Boehner had said was, "Sometimes, based on the votes they cast, you wonder whether they're more interested in the rights of the terrorists than in protecting the American people." And that's exactly what I've been saying today, frankly, in my own way. McCain and all these people are trying to protect terrorists and trying to protect their rights and trying to protect this, rather than protecting the American people. The purpose of this war is not to protect terrorists. And yet that's what's going on. Here was Boehner's reply.
BOEHNER: If you look at the USA Patriot Act we're trying to give the president tools to protect Americans. They fought against this. You look at the Hamdan decision that came down from the Supreme Court, Democrats were jubilant that the court was taking away the president's ability to do these military tribunals. And then when the leak came out on the terrorist surveillance program over at NSA, the Democrats were jubilant that this had been exposed and began to press the administration. So the point I'm making is that I think these programs have helped protect the American people, helped uncover terrorist plots before they happen, and they're necessary programs, and we're willing to give the president the tools that he needs to take on the terrorists, and many times they stand in the way and try to fight us giving the president these tools.
RUSH: No question about it, they do it for a host of reasons. They hate Bush, but they're also liberals, and they're obsessed with guilt, and they really think these people could be made to like us if we could just empower them economically and we get our military out of the world and so forth, and we would have no problems. They have such a perverted, convoluted view of reality. But he's exactly right, and he is not backing down. Hat tip today to John Boehner, the majority leader, House of Representatives, on the Republican side. Audio 2 minutes 8 seconds.
John sKerry, called from the Senate floor on his Senate Republicans to repudiate Boehner's remarks. (like that's going to happen.)
Liberals and RINO's just can't handle the truth.
Kerry should shut up and go away.
The anti-American liberals really went beserk over
The Presidents address to the United Nations.
A little reminder of how a Democrat do nothing administration handled terrorist attacks. The Clinton Path To 911
Five and 19 dead in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, 224 dead at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998 and 17 dead on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000.
McCain caught by NSA Wiretap Parody Paul Shanklin
Posted by
6:23 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Military Report
Coca-Cola® Runs Sweepstakes
The Coca-cola Company is sponsoring world wide contest to draw attention to "Family Day -- A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children." The grand prize is a three-day, two-night trip to New York. The winner will also get a family dinner cooked by Sandra Lee, best-selling author and host of the Food Network show "Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee." Lee's latest cookbook "Semi-Homemade Grilling" will be awarded to second-place winners.
Enter the sweepstakes today. Contest ends on September 30th.
Commissary Patrons can go to http://www.commissaries.com/ to access links to the contest, make a "symbolic" pledge to have a family dinner on Sept. 25, get more information about "Family Day" or find healthy recipes.
Freedom Team Salute Honors Service
The Army's Freedom Team Salute (FTS) program recognizes the sacrifices of all members of the Army family. Retired Soldiers and Army veterans, as well as the parents, spouses, and civilian employers of current active duty Soldiers, are eligible to receive a personalized commendation package. The package includes an Army lapel pin, an Army decal, a Certificate of Appreciation, and a letter of thanks. For more information or to nominate someone for the FTS, visit the Freedom Team Salute Website, If you want to receive an FTS commendation package and have not, e-mail freedomteamsalute@hqda.army.mil.
Complete version of this week's Military Report.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Bush Calls Lauer Out on His Democratic Spin
On Monday's Today, Matt Lauer treated Senator Hillary Clinton with kid gloves but on Tuesday's Today, President George W. Bush, once again, got the hostile treatment from Lauer. However Tuesday's airing of Lauer's long interview with the President taped on Friday, Bush stepped up, even calling Matt out for trying to "justify" the Democratic position. Lauer: "Do you know of any Democrats, that in your opinion, are trying to or would like to appease terrorists?" Bush: "I know Democrats who want to leave Iraq before the job is done and that would be a terrible mistake." Lauer: "But those Democrats don't see the war in Iraq as inseparable from the overall war on terror." Bush: "You can justify what they say I'm just telling you that if this country leaves Iraq before the job is done, if we abandon those 15 million people who said we want to live freely we will have given the enemy a tremendous victory." NewsBusters.org
View Video of Lauer's combative exchange with Bush in the Oval Office.
Any doubts where the MSM liberals stand on the war on terror?
Republican House leader, John Boehner:
Sometimes based on the votes that get cast, you wonder whether they're (democrats) more interested in the rights of the terrorists than in protecting the American people.
Posted by
6:27 AM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Veterans Report
Seamless Transition
The Seamless Transition Program aids the transitioning process for servicemembers injured in Iraq or Afghanistan. The program helps wounded veterans transfer from acute care at military treatment facilities to rehabilitative care at Veterans Affairs hospitals, and back if necessary. Patient care is also available for servicemembers on convalescent leave who choose to have follow-up care at their local Veterans Affairs facilities. For more information on Seamless Transition, visit http://www.seamlesstransition.va.gov/transition.asp.
Veterans Lose GI Bill After 10 Years
Many veterans are unaware that their GI Bill benefits will expire after 10 years and a little over 50 percent of eligible veterans use their GI Bill at all. You only have ten years to use your GI Bill from your date of discharge. Since the GI Bill currently pays out over $1000 a month, or $37,000 over 36 months, you could be missing out on a huge benefit. To learn more about your G.I Bill benefits, visit the Military.com Education Center. To learn more about GI Bill benefits and military-friendly schools, request free information today.
Veterans Fight Over Lawyers
Some of the largest veterans' services organizations, including Disabled American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars, are strongly opposing a bill that would allow paid attorneys, for the first time in over a century, to represent veterans in filing disability claims. Veterans groups are divided. For more information, read the article at Military.com.
Posted by
6:23 AM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Military News
Nigerian Scam Warning Issued
The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) has released an advisory in PDF format warning Soldiers and family members of a so-called Nigerian Fraud Scam or advanced fee fraud, using unsolicited faxes, e-mail or letters. The advisory also warns of the criminal implications for Army personnel who actively facilitate the scheme. U.S. citizens or residents who have not suffered a financial loss and want to report a scam may forward unsolicited emails to the Secret Service at 419.fcd@usss.treas.gov. U.S. citizens and residents who have suffered a financial loss should contact the nearest field office of the Secret Service by phone. Victims are advised to continue reporting these fraudulent scams to law enforcement agencies when they are attempted.
Helping Wounded Troops Return to Work
Officials from the Defense Department and military services got together recently for the first "From Deployment to Employment" conference to discuss ways to better serve America's severely injured servicemembers. Among the programs featured was the Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP), which provides technology and services to people with disabilities. The Military Severely Injured Center also provides support 24 hours a day by telephone at 888-774-1361. DoD has been working with other federal agencies, such as the labor and veterans affairs departments. The military health-care system is embarked on a major transformation effort.
TRICARE Warns of Telephone Fraud
Recently a TRICARE beneficiary reported a possible telephone scam involving someone asking for personal bank account information. Personal or financial information should never be given to anyone who calls you or comes to your home uninvited, claiming they are collecting fees or other funds on behalf of TRICARE or selling TRICARE-related products. If you receive a call of this nature from someone identifying themselves as a TRICARE representative, please let TRICARE know by writing to: TRICARE Management Activity, ATTN: Privacy Office, 5111 Leesburg Pike, Suite 810, Fall Church, VA 22041. For tips on protecting your identity, visit the TRICARE Website.
Posted by
5:43 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Rather do business with terrorists
Sign Prominently Displayed In The Window Of A Business
"We would rather do business with 1000 Al Qaeda Terrorists than with a single American."
Posted by
5:33 AM
Friday, September 08, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Smith Act of 1940 / Treason
Speech that endangers American lives can be restricted in wartime, censorship in wartime is standard for all countries, including all democracies, and speech has led to trials – and convictions – for treason, Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally being two obvious examples. Smith Act of 1940
Being too pro-American is a bad thing... x Carter
"For [Al] Gore to make his anti-American remarks in Saudi Arabia is at least as bad as what Nazi sympathizers said in this country and abroad leading up to and during World War II. One definition of 'treason' is: Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies. By any objective standard, Al Gore's remarks in Saudi Arabia appear to fit the definition." ~ Cal Thomas
United States Constitution Article III Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Who cares if we give aid a comfort to the enemy?
Posted by
3:42 AM