Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Military / Veterans Report

Veterans Identification CardVeterans Receive New ID Cards
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced that VA health care facilities are beginning an aggressive campaign to insure that enrolled veterans with old versions of its ID cards are issued the new Veterans Identification Card (VIC). VA decided to initiate the mass replacement to reduce veteran vulnerability to identity theft and to demonstrate VA's commitment to securing the confidential personal information of all enrolled veterans. For more information about the new VIC card, contact your Medical Center's Eligibility & Enrollment Office or visit the VA's Eligibility Website.

Absentee Voting Week
The Secretary of Defense has designated October 8-14, 2006 was Absentee Voting Week. Voters should return their voted ballot immediately after receiving it. Overseas voters should vote and return their state absentee ballot or the Federal write-in absentee ballot (FWAB) during this week to make sure their ballot is received by the local election official in time to be counted. If you receive your state absentee ballot after submitting the FAWB, vote and return the state ballot. For those states that allow late counting, ballots must be voted on or before Election Day and must be received by the state late counting deadline. For more information, contact your voter assistance officer.
To learn more about the upcoming elections, visit the Military.com 2006 Election Center.


Poison Pero said...

Look at the video below........This is what the governor of Arizona has done to our 9/11 memorial


RJay said...

It's a disgrace how American voters continue to vote for these CommieCrat whackos.