Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hillary's phony coat of armor

Look out: Hillary Clinton is pulling the armor cloak from her rhetorical closet again. As long as she pairs it with a skirt, Italian designer Donatella Versace approves. But for any leading presidential candidate with a shred of integrity, this political wardrobe malfunction goes in the "fashion don't" column.

In her latest campaign video, Hillary attacks the Bush administration for sending soldiers off to battle unprotected: "Promises just aren't enough anymore. After almost four years, longer than we were in WWII, our troops still don't have all the body armor and armored vehicles and other equipment they need. It's a disgrace."

The Democrats' latest talking point involves a reported shortage of armored Humvees in Iraq. The armchair generals of The New York Times editorial board waxed indignantly about the story last week — lambasting the "Army, the National Guard and the Marine Corps" for being "caught constantly behind the curve" on armor upgrades. The Times' editorial titled their anti-Bush tirade, "Not supporting the troops." The meme has penetrated from Hillary and Ted Kennedy down to every last, lowest-level Democratic strategist looking to burnish pro-military credibility.

Capt. Matt Schoenfeldt, who serves as a gunner in Iraq's Diyala province, also sent me his reaction:

"I would first like to point out that this is just one more attempt by the liberals to take an extremely complicated situation, look at one small aspect of the story, and then invent the story that they [want] to tell. We have over 70,000 M1114 Up-Armored HMMWVs in theater right now. With that said, it is remarkable that we would be able to retro-fit this number of vehicles with armor in this short time period while still conducting 24-hour combat operations. . . . In addition to the upgrades to all of these 70,000-plus M1114s, the Army has upgraded every vehicle that travels out in sector; from ballistic glass for Track Commanders on Tanks and Bradleys, to armored doors and glass for support vehicles, and everything in between. There is not a single vehicle that goes out in sector that has not been upgraded for threats specific to Iraq. By Michelle Malkin

The following is from
HILLARY: This president was allowed for too long to commit blunder after blunder under cover of darkness provided by an allied Republican Congress.

RUSH: What the hell is she talking about? He invaded Iraq in the sunshine with your blessing! It was all done during the daytime. Might have been some nighttime votes, but the cameras were -- what is this under cover of darkness business? Once again she was tricked. All that needs to happen for Hillary Clinton to miss something is for the sun to go down. You know, if she is elected president, it will be nighttime at times. Here she is on Saturday at this town hall. Unidentified reporter said, “I remain troubled, though, about your position on Iraq and your unwillingness to apologize to the American people for your vote to authorize the war.” That just can't be a reporter. This has to be some derelict member of the audience. Unidentified reporter would say this? Anyway, here's her answer.

HILLARY: If the most important thing to any of you is choosing someone who did not cast that vote or who has said his vote was a mistake, then there are others to choose from. But to me, the most important thing now is trying to end this war. If the president won't end this war before he leaves office, then I will, and I have a very good idea about how that can and should be done.

RUSH: Yeah, and I bet it's smarter and clearer, and then on her website she says the redeployment would start in 90 days.

HILLARY: Now it's time to say the redeployment should start in 90 days or the Congress will revoke authorization for this war.

RUSH: Let's go back. We quoted this, October 10th, 2002. This is Mrs. Clinton. She's not going to apologize, Bush tricked her, if she'd have known then what she knows how, she wouldn't have voted for it. Let's listen to her on the Senate floor, October 10th, 2002.

HILLARY: Today, Mr. President, we are asked whether to give the president of the United States authority to use force in Iraq should diplomatic efforts fail to dismantle Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons and his nuclear program. In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stocks, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al-Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. It is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein, “This is your last chance. Disarm or be disarmed.” This is a very difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make.

RUSH: Why?

HILLARY: Any vote that might lead to war should be hard.

RUSH: Yes.

HILLARY: But I cast it with conviction.

RUSH: Now, she knows that the Drive-Bys are not going to go back and revive that. She knows that nowhere on CNN will that ever be played. She knows that nowhere on PMSNBC will that ever be played. She knows that nowhere on ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times will that ever be reprinted. Only we here in the new media have the courage to go back and put her in juxtaposition today and yesterday, then and now, as she attempts to say Bush tricked her. I didn't hear anything in that statement about "the president says" and "the president's intelligence agencies" are telling us. She made it sound like she had researched it, and that it was a vote of conviction. The woman is a fraud, and the Democrats are allowing the kook fringe of their base to determine the foreign policy of this country, at least as they articulate it. Audio Link
Clinton Objects to Confederate Flag

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