Thursday, May 11, 2006

Essays By Walter James O’Brien

I am pleased to provide you with permission to publish and redistribute the referenced articles without charge or fee, provided the appropriate attribution is given.
God bless America,
Walt O'Brien

Copyright© Essays Reprinted by permission — Walter James O’Brien
Nazism, The Internet and the Culture of Violence pdf
What Do Arabs Want? Copyright© Walter James O’Brien
“Why I Do Not Teach” Copyright© Walter James O’Brien

Larry MillerWalter James O’Brien Note:
I'm happy to introduce you to Larry Miller
You Say You Want a Resolution. Whosoever Blesses Them.
You may recognize him from his work as a comedian and actor (he's been in everything--"The Princess Diaries," "Best in Show," "10 Things I Hate About You," and his turn as the sinister Doorman on "Seinfeld" stand out).Look for his essays in The Daily Standard every other week.

1 comment:

Poison Pero said...

Great stuff, RJay.

What you really need to find is Mahmoud, Son of Xerxes' letter to Bush.

I've seen portions, but not the whole 18 pages.
BTW: Thx for the tips. Everything is back up and running.